Roll a ball, how to addforce to the ball in an isometric environment ?

Hello, I struggle to set up my character controller script that move a ball by applying forces to the rigidbody in an ISOMETRIC environment. I found many tutorials about how to move a character in an isometric environment but it’s by using transform.position and i want to use the same controls as the tutorial “roll a ball” but in an isometric environment. I am still beginner with c# and Unity so if someone has the solution… :slight_smile:

I found a solution, if that can help :

void Start ()
	rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody> ();

void FixedUpdate ()
	float forceHorizontal = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal");
	float forceVertical = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical");

            //isometric environment : moving right (1 ; -1)
	Vector3 moveHorizontal = new Vector3 (forceHorizontal, 0.0f, -forceHorizontal);
            //isometric environment : moving up (1 ; 1)
	Vector3 moveVertical = new Vector3 (forceVertical, 0.0f, forceVertical);

	rb.AddForce (moveHorizontal * speed);
	rb.AddForce (moveVertical * speed);