So, I just now started the first tutorial, and ran into a problem pretty fast that I couldn’t find anyone else talking about.
The problem is the background color(my plane) is not the same as in the video. Both my background and sphere are the same color. It happens right from the start. Whenever I added the background plane, it was already a default black? color.
I use windows 7, and the man in the video is using a Mac, so I wonder if that might be the source? Maybe cause the video was created in 2007, and the platform is different?
When I do add color to the sphere or the plane, It does not take. It just remains the same color. Am I in the wrong view mode or something
Sorry, I have no experience with this stuff. I just really want to make this game.
It seems like either some lighting / camera settings are inferred, or they have been removed as defaults since the tutorial was recorded.
I found the solution from the youtube video here, posted by Banan2288.
The comment:
Create new object- right click on your scene in ‘hierarchy’ window, select ‘GameObject’ → ‘Light’ → ‘Directional light’, in object properties (inspector) you can customize light color, intensity e.t.c. Rotating this object makes light to be cast from another direction. Here you can also change basic shadow settings. P.S. Directional Light position does no matter.
Camera can be placed just like light above, it’s under ‘GameObject’ → ‘Camera’. Placing camera should not be hard for you, I didn’t change eny settings instead of ‘Rotation’, ‘Position’ and ‘Field of View’.
Scene still looks like 3d game from 1996 year because of ugly, full-black shading on objects. This is mostly because of default ambient lightning, you can change it’s setting under ‘Window’ → ‘Lightning’. There is an option called ‘Ambient Source’, you can choose between ‘Gradient’ or ‘Color’ setting to use your own ambient. I’m using ‘color’ so I can then specify ambient with color picker. Mine RGB colour is (0.9, 0.9, 0.9), so shadows are much lighter. For more advanced skybox you should know how to use ‘Skybox’ mode, but for now it should be enough.