Rollback single file in commit and ignore files committed

Committed files in our ignore list always show up in the commit dialog when modified. This is not our desired functionality. We need a way to ignore modified files already committed so that they do not show up in the commit dialog box. We also need a speedy way to rollback single files within a large commit without rolling back, merging and submitting a new commit, or without deleting their commit.


  • How can we ignore modified files in the ignore list that have already a committed version in the database?

  • How I imagine it should work:
    Add the files to the ignore list, which they are.

  • We would like to keep the useful files in a commit and only rollback the individual files that are posing issues.

  • How I imagine it should work:
    Intuitively, opening the commit entry, select and right clicking on the file in question and selecting rollback. That should do the trick. But this is not an option from what I can see. Any help with this would be much appreciated.

Hi @MrJRules ,

Thank you for reaching out to us.
In Unity Version Control(Plastic SCM), an ignored item is just a private item that will not be added to the pending changes list unless explicitly told to do so.

If the files that you wish to ignore are already controlled by UVCS, you will need to make the files to be private first.

Please share a screenshot of the status of the files that you want to ignore in the pending changes view. If you cannot share the screenshot in the forum, you can create a support ticket with the Unity version control support team directly.

You can check the checkbox selectively for the items that you wish to undo and click the undo button on top if you are looking for a way to undo multiple times at once but not all.