Rolling ball with rigidbody

I’m trying to make simple ball game where player is supposed to roll a ball. I get ball rolling, that’s not a problem but I’m unable to make it “speed up”.

My current code looks like this:

void update() {
    force = Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * maxspeed * Time.deltaTime, 0, Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * maxspeed * Time.deltaTime);

void fixedUpdate() {

This works so that ball accelerates quite quickly to maxspeed and stays there. But I would like to speed up more when axis button is kept pressed for longer times. How I can achieve that?

You will have to record the time the keys are pressed.
You can use an if-statement to check if a key/axis is pressed and Time.deltaTime to check how much time passed since the frame is complete.

void Update () {
    if( Input.GetAxis(" --the axis you want to check-- ") != 0 ){
        timePressed += Time.deltaTime; //make a new var to keep track of the time.
        timePressed = 0; //The button is not being pressed anymore.

You will have to make a multiplier variable to apply to the speed of the
object and adjust that value.
I hope this helps.

Apparently rigidbody has defined maximum angular velocity (7 by default). I can change it but then feeling of rotation is something that I do not want.

Maybe I should use force (not torque) and do rotating ball using transform?