Rooms Query

Hi everyone,

I’ve just moved onto unity and firstly I must say that I’m extremly impressed, the guys have done a seriously good job in writting it.

I’ve been spending some time recently going through various tutorials to familiarize myself with unity and have recently been looking at the I have Sewer project. I have myself created a basic room in blender which is basically 4 walls a floor and a roof all of which have been created using plane meshes.

The problem I have is that when I import it into unity it appears as a box which is what I would expect with the walls and roof on. However the sewer project appears to have the roof and walls (depending where the camera is )invisible when looking at it from outside in the design view (they are visible in the game though). Is there an option to achieve this so you can edit the room light etc easily or has this been achieved in the sewer project a different way ? if anyone knows the answer or knows of any good interior room tutorials in unity it would be greatly appreciated


The way realtime 3D works is that polygons are invisible if the surface normal is pointing away from the camera. In Blender, you can select Draw Normals to get a visual indication as to which way the normals are facing. You can also turn off the double-sided view…the “back” side of polygons are darkened when you do that instead of invisible, but you still have a better idea as to what will show up in Unity. If you make a cube and then invert the normals, you then have an instant “interior” room.
