RosMessageTypes.Std source code

Where can I find the source code of std_msgs for the ros-tcp connnector messages implementation.


namespace RosMessageTypes{

class Std{


I created a custom ros message something like this;

float32 length
float32 width
std_msgs/String time

then build these message in unity. Then unity gives me these script

namespace RosMessageTypes.AisData
    public class AisDataMMsg : Message
        public const string k_RosMessageName = "ais_data/AisDataM";
        public override string RosMessageName => k_RosMessageName;

        public float length;
        public float width;
        public Std.StringMsg time;

        // constructor, toString etc..

I want to see the Std.StringMsg implementation How can I find it?

Hi, all our pre-built messages are in the ROS-TCP-Connector package under Runtime/Messages.
Or you can take a look at the StringMsg source code here: ROS-TCP-Connector/com.unity.robotics.ros-tcp-connector/Runtime/Messages/Std/msg/StringMsg.cs at main · Unity-Technologies/ROS-TCP-Connector · GitHub