Rotate a child of a Rigidbody object

Hello there,
I am trying to rotate a child of a Rigidbody object. Child is the main body of the ship and it have a collider. How should I rotate the child using Rigidbody? Should I attach a Rigidbody to the child as well? Because changing rotation using transform is not recommended.

In the game parent is moving and child is supposed to rotate the ship.

Here is the video. Might help understand situation better:

Why can’t you just rotate the object using Transform?

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Because the object is orbiting around a planet. Rotating it directly ruining orbiting.

Sorry, I meant the child. Can’t you just change the localRotation of the child to rotate it in relation of the ship?

I don’t want to rotate anything here with Transform. As this is not good for Physics and performance. Recently I learned that any collider moving, rotating, must be handled using Rigidbody.

I see. Naturally two Rigidbodies will not want to intersect with each other. I looked into it a bit and found this reference to Articulation Bodies, which may be what you’re looking for.

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Actually only child have collider.
Uploaded a video. Might help understand situation better.