Rotate a mesh around the center of two Vector3

As the title suggests I am trying to rotate a plane around a point but the result is not what I expected.

With my editor I create a main mesh (which is the one with the red outline). Then using the four vector3 represented by the white spheres I create a second mesh. Now I need to rotate this mesh on the point where a gray sphere is located. With

Vector3 myCenter = Vector3.Lerp(point1, point2, 0.5f)

I find the center of the two Vector3. Using a button I would like to rotate the mesh one degree at a time. I thought I could do it using

myMesh.transform.RotateAround(myCenter, [Vector3], 1f)

but any [Vector3] I use the mesh rotates to the point defined by myCenter but moving to the right or left. I can’t find the correct value for [Vector3]. Is it possible that [Vector3] needs to be changed every time the mesh moves one degree? Or maybe I can try another way?

I found the right answer, if anyone could need it:

Vector3 rot = (point1 - point2).normalized;
myMesh.transform.RotateAround(myCenter, rot, 1f);