Rotate animal?

I have an animal that goes from one random position to another, but I would like to rotate this animal en route so that it is ready to face its next position once its reached its target position.

Any ideas where I should start?

Check the Transform.Lookxxxx functions in the script reference

ok, thanks, is there anyway to use lookat with lerp, so it just doesnt jump to the rotation?

You’d have to do it the more roundabout way, through the Quaternion class. For exmaple instead of:



var startRot : Quaternion = transform.rotation;
var endRot : Quaternion = Quaternion.LookRotation(targetPosition-transform.position);
for (t=0.0;t<duration;t+=Time.deltaTime) {
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(startRot, endRot, t/duration);