Coud you please help me with one problem…
What i am trying to do is rotate an object, with 90 degrees, every time i press the “space”.
Everything works well, but there is one weird problem.
If i rotate the object to 90 degrees manually, before i play the scene and then, Play → hit space, the object rotates only by 90 degrees and stops rotating. This happens only if i rotate the object manualy to 90 or 180 degrees initially in the Editor. If i leave it to 0 or 270 or 360 it rotates, with 90 degrees every time i hit the “space”
Simply attach the script to some object (Cube) and set the custom attributes to:
- RotateSpeed - 500 // The speed
for the rotation - RotateDegrees - 90 // The amount
of rotation before it stops - RotateDirection - 1 // The direction for the rotation
Play and press the Space bar. Then try the same, but before PLay-ing rotate manually the cube to 90 degrees, Play and press the Spacebar few times. When the cube is initially rotated to 90 or 180 degrees, it rotates only one time and then stops…
#pragma strict
// Public Variables
public var rotateSpeed : float; // Speed of the rotation of the cubes
public var rotateDegrees : float; // Rotate degrees interval
public var rotateDirection : int; // Controls the direction of the rotation, -1(clockWise), 1(counterClockWise)
// Private Variables
private var trans : Transform; // To Store this gameObject
private var shoudRotate : boolean; // Tells the cube, that shoud rotate
public var startRotation : float; // To store the startRotation
public var curRotation : float; // Store the currentRotation
function Start()
trans = this.transform; // Store this.transform for optimisation
startRotation = trans.eulerAngles.z;// Store the current rotation
curRotation = startRotation; // Store the cur Rotation
shoudRotate = false; // Set shoudRotate to false
function Update()
if (shoudRotate) // If the shoudRotate = true
// Get the "MoveTowardsAngle" rotation between curRotation and startRotation + rotateDegrees and stores
// it in "angle".
var angle : float = Mathf.MoveTowardsAngle(curRotation, startRotation + rotateDegrees, rotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
// Use the angle * rotateMultiplied to rotate the object
transform.eulerAngles = Vector3(0, 0, rotateDirection * angle);
curRotation = angle; // Store the rotation amount in curRotation
if (angle >= startRotation + rotateDegrees) // If the rotation is >= to the startRotation + 90 degrees
shoudRotate = false; // Stops the rotation
if (curRotation >= 360) // If the rotation goes above 360,
curRotation = 0; // we zero it out
startRotation = curRotation; // Set the startRotation = CurrentRotation
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space))
shoudRotate = true; // Start rotating the tube