Rotate object smoothly problem

I have object that can be in 2 positions that I have to change position smoothly
init position is set (270,90,0) and when it is needed I have to rotate it to (270,-90,0) 180 deg

  • I tried this
  • rotateArm.transform.RotateAround(rotateArm.transform.position, Vector3.up, desired_angle * Time.deltaTime);//rotateArm is a child that I want to rotate
  • the problem is it rotate smoothly but not stoping (ovice)
  • so I tried slerp
  • public Quaternion initial = Quaternion.Euler(270f, 90f, 0f);
    public Quaternion finial = Quaternion.Euler(270f, -90f, 0f);
    Quaternion.Slerp(initial, finial, desired_angle * Time.deltaTime); //desired _angle it ether 1 or -1

non of them worked
another question how can I find out at which position is the Arm set to?
i.g. if arm is at 90 then go to -90 else go to 90

thank you

strong text

Its a simple case if arm = 90 rotate smoothly to -90
can any one help on this?

PLZ any help its so simple buuuuuuuuuttttttttttt

I would recommend to use the iTween library. It is free and I am using it myself in my game. There you can either call the RotateBy or RotateTo. So if you need your arm to rotate to -90 with regards to its original position you would you RotateBy. It takes parameters like the kind of rotation (lineair, easein/out etc), a delay, the duration, a callback function when finished etc. Very useful! The library is a plugin.

Example: iTween.RotateAdd(gameObject,{“amount”:rotateAmount, “time”:rotateTime, “easeType”:rotateEase, “delay”:rotateDelay, “loopType”:rotateLoopType});