Rotate object towards joystick input using c#

Hey all thanks for looking!

I am looking to rotate an object towards the direction the joystick is pressed. I was able to get it to mostly function on the y and z axis but when I try to use the same number on the x angle it seems to not work correctly. Would also appreciate if someone could give me an idea of the best way to set the maximum angle of rotation. Basically I want the object to lean forward if you push forward, lean back if you press back, tilt right for right tilt left for left. Here is my current code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class InnerMotor : MonoBehaviour {
    public GameObject outtershell;
    public VirtualJoystick joystick;
    private Vector3 shellpos;
    private float joypos; 

	void Update () {
        shellpos = outtershell.transform.position;
        transform.position = shellpos;
        joypos = Mathf.Atan2(joystick.Horizontal(), joystick.Vertical()) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
        transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(transform.eulerAngles.x,joypos,joypos);

Like I mentioned before when I change the eulerangle value of x to joypos it stops working correctly. Forward and backwards don’t lean at all. I know I am doing something wrong here and I just dont understand the mathfunction or eulerAngles well enough yet to understand what it is. Any help greatly appreciated, thank you!

Transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3( 0, Mathf.Atan2( Input.GetAxis(“Vertical”), Input.GetAxis(“Horizontal”)) * 180 / Mathf.PI, 0 );

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