Rotate Player to face mouse position

Hi all, please see the following code snippet

Vector3 mv = Input.mousePosition;
mv.z = 10;
mv = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint (mv);
mv = mv - transform.position;

float mouseToAxis = Vector3.Angle (mv, new Vector3 (1, 0, 0));
float bodyToAxis = Vector3.Angle (transform.right, new Vector3 (1, 0, 0));

float angle = mouseToAxis - bodyToAxis;
angle = Mathf.Clamp (angle, -move.rotation_speed, move.rotation_speed);

transform.Rotate (new Vector3 (0, 0, angle));

The above code is used to rotate my player object to face the mouse position.
It works only as long as my mouse is within the positive X quadrants relative to the player’s local space.
E.g. the mouse must be above the imaginary horizontal line which intersects with my player object.

After much investigation I realised that mouseToAxis provides the angle between the Position Vector of the Mouse to the X-Axis, both the positive and negative Y-Axis gives a result of 90 degrees. However I want the negative Y-axis to give a bearing of 180+90 instead of just 90.

Does anyone know how I could accomplish this either mathematically or through some Unity interface? Thanks in advance!

Okay I feel kinda dumb for posting this.

Here is a hackish fix

if (mv.y < 0)
mouseToAxis = 360 - mouseToAxis;

This will correct the angle into a bearing and generates the correct results that I needed.

For anyone who is interested in the full implementation here it is:

Vector3 mv = Input.mousePosition;
mv.z = 10;
mv = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint (mv);
mv = mv - transform.position;

float mouseToAxis = Vector3.Angle (mv, new Vector3 (1, 0, 0));
if (mv.y < 0)
mouseToAxis = 360 - mouseToAxis;

float bodyToAxis = Vector3.Angle (transform.right, new Vector3 (1, 0, 0));
if (transform.right.y < 0)
bodyToAxis = 360 - bodyToAxis;

float angle = mouseToAxis - bodyToAxis;
if (angle > 180)
angle = -(360 - angle);
else if (angle < -180)
angle = 360 + angle;

angle = Mathf.Clamp (angle, -move.rotation_speed, move.rotation_speed);
transform.Rotate (new Vector3 (0, 0, angle));

This simply makes the player object rotate slowly towards the mouse position. Some parts might be a little unnecessary so anyone who knows his vector math can probably optimize this quite a bit.
