I’m currently trying to implement sliding similar to 3d platforming games like Super Mario 64. My character is face down on their belly (their local forward vector is facing the ground). I have a simple sloped surface to act as my slide. I want the character to slowly rotate towards their velocity. I have this bit of code:
//Rotate towards velocity direction when sliding
public void RotateSlideToVelocity(float turnSpeed)
Vector3 dir = rigidbody.velocity;
dir.y = -90;
if (dir.magnitude > 0.1f)
Quaternion dirQ = Quaternion.LookRotation(dir);
Quaternion slerp = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, dirQ, dir.magnitude * turnSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
This works, but they wobble on their x axis. I’m sure this is due to the dir.y = -90 line. That line at least guarantees that the player is facing down while sliding. If I remove that line however, the player will be somewhat upright - I’m guessing this is because it takes into consideration the y velocity. Setting dir.y to 0 directly makes the character stand perfectly upright. I want physics to handle the rotation of the player’s local x axis, not the move rotation line.
Any ideas on how to do this?