I am trying to rotate a vector3 ( new Vector3 (0, 0, dist) ) around 3 axes locally.
-Edit2: see comments below
I think I am very close to it but something goes wrong the axes I think:
Vector3 _vec = new Vector3 (0, 0, dist);
_vec = Quaternion.AngleAxis(_rotYaw.y, Vector3.up) * _vec;
_vec = Quaternion.AngleAxis(_rotationVec.x, Vector3.right) * _vec;
_vec = Quaternion.AngleAxis(_rotationVec.z, Vector3.forward) * _vec;
Here is a pic (the 3d sphere is just there to visualize the rotation, the yellow and green lines are important, the green line is where the vector should point to or whatever how that is called):