Rotating a characters head, using Shader Graph

Hi all!

For our case we are looking into ways of animating a character without rigging. We want to rotate the head of a character so that it will be facing the player.

Any ideas on how to do this?


You want to create your own rigging system, but with custom matrices instead of using skinned mesh with transforms?

We don’t want to use any rigging system at all. But more or less have a deformation system like used here:

Probably rotate vertexes above a certain height? You can’t really select just the head without a rig

Use height on shader, or use UV on the model, then you can rotate vertices based on UV color.


Yep that is what we’d like to do. Any idea on how to do this?

Google ‘shader graph rotate vertices’ and youll get some results

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Obviously googling is the first thing we did. However; as we are not that experienced with shadergraph we quickly got stuck. So that’s why we are hoping someone on the Unity forum could help us! :slight_smile: We managed to get rotation working for the entire model, but would now like to mask the lower body part so that it would only affect the head.

You can sample texture or use vertex data like color/uv as weights and lerp between default and target pose.

We’d imagine there must be a way to mask the bottom part, but we are not really sure on how to do it.

Do you have UV map on the model?
Colors should match with a shader.
Then you can mask relevant cot areas in the shader.