Hello, I just ran into something rather strange to me. If I take a 3d box that’s parent is root and rotate it 45°, it rotates as normal:
If I drag the unrotated box to be a child of the ground box, no problem:
But if I then rotate the box it stretches horribly:
Additionally, if I drag the root-child rotated box to child it to the ground, then it snaps to the same stretched wreck. Why does this happen?
does the parent have uniform scale?
eg … 1,1,1?
The parent doesn, but the parent’s parent is not uniform, which I didn’t realize. So that’s what’s causing it. Still, that seems strange. I understand, somewhat, why it must be this way, but boy that sure inhibits what you can do with scaling.
yeah I agree, but the best thing is to scale the “mesh” in the import section instead of the “transform” game object. does that make sense?