Rotating Held Object with player

Hey all, this is my first post so don’t hate on me too hard. Before I put the code down let me briefly describe what I am trying to do.
So I have a top down game where my player moves on the z and x axis (vertical/horizontal). When the mouse moves around the player rotates to face the mouse. So that explains the basic player movement.
What I am trying to do is pick up an object and then have it attach to the player and rotate in coordination with the player (so the player can drop the object wherever they want with ease)
here is what I am doing right now:

The following code will pick up the object and make it the parent:

		if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) )
			// check for collision with interactable object
			float radius = 0.50f;
			Collider[] objectsInRange = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, radius);
			// print all the objects that we are colliding with
			for(int q=0;q<objectsInRange.GetLength(0);q++){
				// we want to check to see if this is the trash can
				if(objectsInRange[q].name == "TrashCan"){
					GameObject temp = (GameObject) GameObject.FindWithTag ("Interactable");
					isHolding = !isHolding;
						objHolding = temp;
						temp.transform.parent = objPlayer.transform;
						objHolding.transform.parent = null;

When Movement is processed this is what I am doing:

void ProcessMovement()
	tempVector = rigidbody.GetPointVelocity(transform.position) * Time.deltaTime * 1000;
	rigidbody.AddForce (-tempVector.x, -tempVector.y, -tempVector.z);

	rigidbody.AddForce (inputMovement.normalized * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
	transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(inputRotation);
	transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0,transform.eulerAngles.y + 180,0);
	transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x,0,transform.position.z);
	// if we are holding something we want to move it along with our player
		objHolding.transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x,0,transform.position.z);
		objHolding.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(inputRotation);
		objHolding.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0,transform.eulerAngles.y +180,0);

Right now as you can see the held object is simply attached to the player at the center. I’m trying to figure out how I can have it attach to the front of the player and then rotate with the player around there so the dropping works well. Hopefully I am just missing something in my update. Thanks in advance all.

Edit 5/1

So the issue with attaching not to the center of the player has been dealt with using:

 Vector3 tempVector = new Vector3(0,0,1);
    object.transform.position + tempVector;

The issue I am having now is that. The object is not rotating “with” the player this means that it is not staying in the same relative position to the player as the player rotates. Does this mean that I have not attached the object correctly?

I can see what you’re trying to do and you’ve got the concept down. But I think the code could be simplified quite a bit if all you want to do is child your picked up object to your character. I know your object is attached to the center but where do you want it exactly? The easiest way to adjust the transform of your object once it’s picked up is by using your player’s position + a modified Vector 3. If your rotation is working correctly there is no need to alter that. If all you want to do is adjust the position : For instance if you want the player to hold the object 2 units in front of your character on the X axis just add another line that reads:

temp.transform.parent = objPlayer.transform;

temp.transform.parent.position = objPlayer.transform.position + Vector3(2,0,0);

hope that helps clarify things

If you’ve parented the object to the player, it should move along automatically, without intervention on your part.

You say it is “simply attached to the player at the center”, which it shouldn’t do unless the two objects are already at the same world transform.

When you parent one transform to another, Unity automatically calculates the necessary local coordinates for the child in order to remain in the same relative location/rotation/scale it occupied in world space before being attached to the parent.

If, for whatever reason, this isn’t correct and/or you want to adjust this relative transform, you can use the localPosition/localScale/localRotation properties in order to change it. These are, as the name implies, in local coordinates relative to the child.