In my scene, I have a directional light which rotates based on a value (0f-1f). When that value is zero, I want the directional light to be pointed downwards, so I rotated the light to (90,0,0). After this it doesn’t matter how I try to rotate, it never goes the direction I want.
Actually, I’m so confused right now, I don’t even know how to explain my problem. It’s best to compare it to the sun. When the variable is 0f it’s noon; the light comes straight down. When the variable is 1f it’s midnight; the light goes straight up.
The lightobject should rotate around it’s own axes, not around another object.
how to do this?
No idea if it’s of any importance, but when I let the light start with a rotation of 270 degree at the Y axis and I use:
transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(Value*360 ,270, 0);