Ok guys
Thanks for giving time for my problem
I’m actually trying to make a basic plane controler, and making the rotation of this plane with virtual Joystick.
If Joystick moved up/down, the plane rotate up/down based on plane’s right axis and if Joystick moved left/right, the plane rotate right/left based on plane’s up axis
But I need to rotate the plane on camera’s axis wich are the right axis and not plane’s axis. How can I do that ?
Already tried (for up/down) :
transform.Rotate(Vector3.right, ValueToRotate);
transform.Rotate(cam.transform.right, ValueToRotate);
transform.Rotate(cam.Vector3.right, ValueToRotate);
Sometime it is based on world axis with vector3, sometime I got weird rotation(0° work,45° rotate on forward Axis, 90° up down inverted, 135° rotate on forward axis, 180° work) wut ? XD
It could be great to find how to do it.
Thanks for your anwser