Right now I have an inventory menu that displays the player spinning by the following line -
I have it set up so that when you equip a weapon it instantiates the weapon and sets it as a child to the spinning player but im having some issues. Here is my code that sets the rotation and position of the weapon so that its lined up and synched with the player spinning.
The weapon object that is being instantiated has the main prefab and then a child which contains the actual object of the weapon.
GameObject menuweapon = (GameObject)(Instantiate(Resources.Load(playerweapname + " Object") ,(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("menuplayer").transform.FindChild(objectname).position), GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("menuplayer").transform.FindChild(objectname).rotation)); //Instatiates the weapon at the position of the player and sets the rotation to the current rotation of the player.
GameObject menuweaponobj; //This is the object that actually contains the weapon object.
menuweaponobj = menuweapon.transform.FindChild("Cube").gameObject; // Sets the variable previously made to the child of the main weapon prefab.
menuweapon.transform.parent = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("menuplayer").transform; //Adds the weapon to the player object so that when the player is rotating the weapon follows it as if he was holding it.
menuweaponobj.transform.position = new Vector3(menuweapon.transform.position.x,menuweapon.transform.position.y,menuweapon.transform.position.z); //Sets the weapon object's position to the prefabs position
menuweaponobj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(90,0,0); //The weapon was made so 0,0,0 is technically laying flat not standing up in a held position. This sets it in the standing position
The following works but for some reason it is not initializing it with the same rotation as the player. Instead the weapon starts out facing forwards… not facing the same direction that the player is…
This is a picture of the player and sword currently… And like i said it starts out facing forward, not in relation to the current rotation of the player.
Here is what it should like… this picture was taken by equipping it at the right time so whenever the player was looking to the right it instantiated and followed him after that.
Like i said everything else is working properly, so after its instantiated it rotates along with the player like normal but im not sure why it isnt instantiating with the same rotation as the player’s. Any help is appreciated.