Rotation of an Object on a Path

Hey guys! So I have yet to work with any kind of rotations. I am trying to make it where the enemy on the map reaches a point via path using check points - when it reaches a certain check point i want it to rotate 180 degrees. So it goes down the screen, hits a collider, and rotates as it makes its way back up the screen.

    void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) {//looking for colliders.
        if (other.tag == "CheckPoint")//if check point, increase target array by 1 to move ot next point
            target += 1;
        else if (other.tag == "Finish") {//if tag is finish, destroy yourself by running the unregister enemy
            GameManager.Instance.RoundEscaped += 1;//if exits add one to round and total escaped
            GameManager.Instance.TotalEscaped += 1;

So, essentially when it collides with these check points, it adds 1 to its next destination in an array somewhere else in the script. Its here that I will place the additional else if. So else if (other.tag == “Fridge” )- then rotate. The object is tagged as “Fridge” essentially mice are running down a path way to the fridge, when they hit the fridge they will be hidden for a moment cause they go “under” the fridge visually - this will allow them to rotate without our view. I have no idea how to create a rotation, and the Rotation/rotate functions are super confusing. Any tips?

Also, Im working on having the fridge spawn an object on top of the mice. Is it possible to have an object follow a moving target? As if the mice is carrying it? or would it be easier to make a class of “mice” and make different types of mice and have one set as the art style of carrying? Seems more redundant but im not 100% sure on what path to take for this yet as it will be my first game :frowning:

the solution was adding transform.rotate(0,0,-1800) if it collides with a collider tagged “Fridge”. It gave me issues at first liek it kept reverting back each time it hit - I had to put it in the exit path. So it had to be AFTER there was no more checkpoints and it was on the way to the exit check. Otherwise it would revert back.