Rotation of the mouse activates a boxcollider2d in javascript.

Hello everyone!

I am trying to change this script that turns the mouse cursor to 360 degrees. I added a boxcollider2d so that activates when the mouse wheel position 180 °. Unfortunately this does not happen, the boxcollider remains active when I start the game.

Any solution?


#pragma strict

var yourCursor : Texture2D;  // Your cursor texture
 var cursorSizeX : int = 16;  // Your cursor size x
 var cursorSizeY : int = 16;  // Your cursor size y
 var speed = 90.0;
 private var angle = 0.0;
 var box : GameObject;
     function Start()
         Screen.showCursor = false;
         box.GetComponent(BoxCollider2D).enabled = false;
     function Update()
       if (Input.GetMouseButton (0))
     angle -= Time.deltaTime * speed;
     angle = angle % 360.0;
     box.GetComponent(BoxCollider2D).enabled = true;
     Screen.showCursor = false;
       if (Input.GetMouseButton (1))
     angle += Time.deltaTime * speed;
     angle = angle % 360.0;
     box.GetComponent(BoxCollider2D).enabled = true;
     Screen.showCursor = false;
     function OnGUI()
     var matx = GUI.matrix;
     var x = Event.current.mousePosition.x-cursorSizeX/2.0;
     var y = Event.current.mousePosition.y-cursorSizeY/2.0;
     var pivot = Vector2(x + cursorSizeX / 2.0,y + cursorSizeY / 2.0);
     GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(angle, pivot);
     GUI.DrawTexture (Rect(x, y, cursorSizeX, cursorSizeY), yourCursor);
     GUI.matrix = matx;

Script Solution:

 function Update()
       if (Input.GetMouseButton (0))
     angle -= Time.deltaTime * speed;
     angle = angle % 180.0;
     box.GetComponent(BoxCollider2D).enabled = true;
     Screen.showCursor = false;
       if (Input.GetMouseButton (1))
     angle += Time.deltaTime * speed;
     angle = angle % 180.0;
     box.GetComponent(BoxCollider2D).enabled = true;
     Screen.showCursor = false;

Any solution?