Rotation on the negative X axis won't be checked..

Hello Devs! I have problem with checking if my negative x rotation is less than -25f…I want to stop rotation at -25f if the rotation is less than -25f, but this if statement dont even print something in the console if rotation is less than -25f… This is my code, and i have the exactly same code right below, except values is positive and that code work perfect, but this code with just negative values dont work, i really dont know why?! Image of my code is below…

My guess is that the math in your Rotate method is yielding a value greater than -25. What is the value of rotationSpeed?

rotationSpeed is 1f, but it definitely yielding greater than -25f, why? I dont know, but, very confusing thing is that i have exactly same code below this code, and only difference is that his values is positive, and he work very fine, but this code where i use just negative numbers for the check rotation and stop her instead of code which work, it doesn’t work…Below is image of code that work good, and only diffeence is the possitive and negative values :