Rotation Problem

Hi to all,
i’ve created a script for rotating an object, but i don’t understand why it dosn’t work…

This is the script:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class RideDampfkarussell : MonoBehaviour {

    GameObject teller;
    float teller_rot;

void Awake()
    teller = transform.Find("Corpo").gameObject;
    teller_rot = 0.0f;

void Start()


void Update()
    teller_rot = (teller_rot + Time.deltaTime * 30.0f) % 360.0f;
    teller.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0.0f, teller_rot, 0.0f);


hope you can help me,

I have begun programming with unity for 3 years, so sorry if I will say, will be wrong.
I think you have too complicated your script. If your rotation is like the earth rotation, you simply write that :

var rotateSpeedX = 1.0f // or what do you want
var rotateSpeedY = 1.0f // or what do you want
var rotateSpeedZ = 1.0f // or what do you want again :)
var rotatedGameObject  : GameObject;

function Update ()  {



You can, with this option, use all axis (x,y,z) to rotate your object in all possible rotations.

Good luck for programming. :wink:
May the Programmation be with you !

Sorry for my bad english, I’m french.