Just going back through what I’ve learned from the tutorials. Looking at Penelope, my first task is to round out the buttons on Unity Remote running on my iTouch.
First, why do the buttons oblong on the iTouch when they are perfectly round on the Unity Editor? Is there an easy fix?
If this question has been answered in a previous thread, then I’m sorry I haven’t found it.
To have buttons appear round on iPod Touch (4th gen) I scale a 0,0,0 to a 0,0,5,0. The Penelope example from the App Store, which I assume was deployed before the iPod Touch (4th gen) has round buttons. So maybe the new retina display is causing the distortion?
I scaled all my buttons to look rounded in Unity Remote 3. I finally got through my first build and run (Yippee!!!) and have to put all the buttons back to 0,0,0. So it’s Unity Remote that can’t display a round button.
I guess now that I can Build and Run (don’t really know how I finally succeeded. It’s kind of confusing the first time) Unity Remote is somewhat irrelevant. Although, it ought to be fixed.
The shape of the buttons in the editor are round and stay rounded after a build and run to a 4G iTouch using iOS 4.3. After downgrading to iOS 4.2 and SDK 3, the build and run on the iTouch is oblong again in the preferred portrait orientation. Whereas, in Unity Remote 3, it’s oblong in landscape. The orientation, I suppose, is an option thing. I will figure that out.
But the fix on distortion/aspect ratio, ought to be a Unity fix. Trusting that adjusting to various aspect ratios are accounted for in Unity, then please, pray tell, where should I look to fix my distortion issue?
NOTE: I’m only doing the UI at the moment and using primitive shapes as stand ins/prototypes while awaiting graphic assets to be delivered.