RoyalGoo Lands
A room-based, construction-social multiplayer game by
Kat Game Studios
RoyalGoo Lands is a room-based multiplayer construction-social game made by Kat Game Studios. When finished, the game will enable users from around the world to create an account, log into it and using the Goo (free currency) they have, buy plots of land of different sizes on which they can build, using the materials they buy using either Goo or Royals (payed currency) if the item is a premium one. Other users, let’s say, their friends, may come by and help the owner of the room (or plot), but only if he or she gives them the permissions required to. Once the room is finished, everyone may come by and hang out with each other, chat and have fun. But there are always people who you might not want in your room, so you ban them! Or, you might just want to teach them a lesson, so why not kick them? But you might want to build a secret room, or you just want peace and silence while you’re building your awesome ideas? Go ahead and set a password for the room, or make it so that people can only enter it by requesting permission to.
► An account system complete with Premium membership
► A stable and balanced currency system
► A catalog where users are able to buy and sell materials and objects
► A marketplace where users are able to auction off their items they no longer need
► A rooms system complete with permissions and room locking
► Realistic physics with fall damage
► A user leveling system
NEWS: 24 April 2014 ► Part of the game is being rewritten!
► Random terrain generation (100%)
► Terrain editing (70%)
► Physics (60%)
► Multiplayer (80%)
► User ranks (0%)
► Account system (0%)
► Friends system (0%)
► Chat (0%)
► Room system (0%)
► Currency system (0%)
► Catalog / Marketplace (0%)
But I’ve got just one suggestion for you. What if you could expand/upgrade the size of your room after you’ve bought it using goo or royals? Its just a small suggestion. But it would mean if you buy a small room/plot and its too small for what you’re making you don’t have to go and buy a totally different one.
But apart from that I think this game looks great. I like the MineCraft and multiplayer aspects to it. Wish you luck with development.
Also just out of curiosity. How would one earn money in this game. I mean whats your plan for earning currency apart from auctioning?
We are glad to hear that you like our idea and we hope that more people will share that opinion.
Now, to answer your question and suggestion:
That is a really nice suggestion and is surely going to be implemented later down the line.
Players will earn Goo and experience every time they log in, once every 24 hours. Also, they will be able to instantly sell materials and objects for a set price. Events will be held where players will earn objects and Royals. Royals will be given as rewards to certain quests (if we decide to implement the quests system, reason why it doesn’t appear above) and upon registration and referring a friend. There still are a lot of aspects to be decided about the currency, but most probably Royals will be very limited to normal users. Also, people might buy extra Royals, if they need to.
Glad to see you back! The materials are place holders until we can get someone to create textures for us, but since the game only has four blocks for now (they’re more than enough to test what we need to test), having someone to create textures would be rather useless.
The advantages our game will have over Minecraft are:
First of all, our game will be free-to-play. Anyone with a computer will be able to download our game and play it.
Second, our game has integrated multiplayer system, meaning that you do not have to go hunting for servers to play on.
Third, our game is room-based, each room having it’s own administrators and moderators, set by the room’s owner.
Fourth, the game will have an integrated marketplace where players can easily buy materials, objects, items, etc.
Fifth, the game is not limited regarding what we can create.
Sixth, our game is not resource-intensive, meaning that it can run even on an older system.
Seventh, we are not limited to square objects.
And the list goes on and on. There are many things that will be better than in Minecraft. And all these are within one single game. No need for 3rd party software, mods or plugins.