I got a general problem. I would like to synchronizate rotation and the position of the objects. Now, I have two Options.
Working with RPC calls
Use the simple state synchronization
What I would like to know now…
Which option is the best ?
and do you also have problems with lags if you use state synchronization ???
Thanks for each answer 
It depends on the game, you should use RPC for non frequent tasks, like for example chat messages. State synchronization should be used on heavy sync loads only, like character movement which isn’t binded to specific movement tiles. State synchronization doesn’t laag, it simply cant sent data packets at constant speed, some packets come in faster, some slower.
You will have to write interpolation, which will smooth out movement path. For start you can use Vector3.Lerp() which will smooth it out quite a bit, but that’s not a very serious solution.
Let me give you one last example.
You are controlling first person character, which movement is sent by state synchronization.
When you crouch, you send RPC telling other client that your movement type has changed, same with the stand up.
If you would make something like League of Legends type of movement, then state synchronization wouldn’t be needed at all. You simply send RPC about click point. You represent rest on each client.