Rpc is not being Send in photon fusion while On Application Focus call in Android Device

Rpc is not being Send in Photon Fusion while On Application Focus call in Android Device

void OnApplicationPause(bool pause) {
    if (Object.HasInputAuthority) {
        IsLocalPlayerFocusData = !pause;
        pauseManager.AddDebug($"//////{Object.Id}....Out Of Focus...{!pause}");
[Rpc(RpcSources.InputAuthority, RpcTargets.StateAuthority)]
void Rpc_ChnageStatus(bool IsLocalPlayerFocusData) {
    Debug.Log($"Rpc Running___{Object.Id}");
    pauseManager.isGamePause = !IsLocalPlayerFocusData;
    pauseManager.AddDebug($"////{Object.Id}....RpcRuunin ..Pause 

I’m having a Similar Issue. Were you able to find any solution to this?
RPC’s are not being called from the Android device but on editor they works fine!