Hi, I’m using Netcode 1.0.0pre-6 and trying to pass a class instance into ServerRpc & ClientRpc and on the owner side the class instance has a value but on the server side and on the client side are null
like so:
Here the Rpcs methods:
private void UpGunServerRpc(Weapons.Guns.Gun g)
print($"input g is value is {g} from the server side");
private void UpGunClientRpc(Weapons.Guns.Gun g)
print($"input g is value is {g} from the client side");
if (IsOwner) {return;}
if (g == null) {return;}
this.Gun = g;
Here the class I’m trying to pass:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Netcode;
namespace BeanBoxers.Weapons.Guns
public class Gun : MonoBehaviour, INetworkSerializable
public float Demege;
public float ReLoadTime;
public float ChangeCartridgeTime;
public int CartridgeSize;
public int BulletsLeft{get; private set;}
public float nearRange;
public float farRange;
public Vector3 position;
public Quaternion rotation;
public bool CanShoot{get; private set;} = true;
public bool isShooting{get; private set;} = false;
public bool IsAiming{get; private set;} = false;
public Vector3 AimPosition;
public Quaternion AimRotation;
protected float CurrentTime;
protected float NextAllowedShootingTime;
public float fildOfView{get; private set;} = 30f;
public UI.Particles.ParticleSystemController GunParticleSystem;
public GameObject RayStarter;
public GameObject RayPath;
private const int Mask = 8;
void Update()
//update the gun
if (!CanShoot && isShooting)
CurrentTime += Time.deltaTime;
if (CurrentTime >= NextAllowedShootingTime)
Debug.Log(name + ".CanShoot");
CanShoot = true;
isShooting = false;
public void NetworkSerialize<T>(BufferSerializer<T> serializer) where T : IReaderWriter {}
public void SetUp(GameObject RS, GameObject RP)
catch {}
RayStarter = RS;
RayPath = RP;
public virtual Player.PlayerMessenger[] CheckWhatRayHit()
RaycastHit hit;
Ray MyRay = new Ray(RayStarter.transform.position, RayPath.transform.position);
if (Physics.Raycast(MyRay, out hit, farRange))
if (hit.transform.gameObject.layer == Mask)
//check which player the ray hit and return the player object
Player.PlayerMessenger[] RetObj = {hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Player.PlayerMessenger>()};
return RetObj;
return null;
public void setParent(GameObject father)
//get a father GameObject
//set gun parent
transform.parent = father.transform;
transform.localPosition = position;
public float TakeDemage(Vector3 pos, Vector3 HitPos) {
//get shooting position and hit position
//return the amount of an Demege
Vector3 vc3 = abc(HitPos - pos);
float HitDistans = Mathf.Sqrt((vc3.x * vc3.x + vc3.y * vc3.y + vc3.z * vc3.z));
float DisFromEnd = HitDistans - farRange;
if(Mathf.Abs(nearRange - HitDistans) <= Mathf.Abs(farRange - HitDistans))
DisFromEnd = nearRange - HitDistans;
if (DisFromEnd <= 0) {
return Demege;
else if(DisFromEnd <= 1)
return Mathf.Acos(DisFromEnd) * Demege / 90;
return 0;
private Vector3 abc(Vector3 v3) {
return new Vector3(Mathf.Abs(v3.x), Mathf.Abs(v3.y), Mathf.Abs(v3.z));
public bool Shoot()
if (BulletsLeft > 0 & CanShoot)
Debug.Log(name + ".Shoot");
// shoot the bullt
CurrentTime = 0;
BulletsLeft -= 1;
isShooting = true;
CanShoot = false;
NextAllowedShootingTime = ReLoadTime;
return true;
if (!isShooting)
Debug.Log(name + ".ReLoad");
//reload cartridge
CurrentTime = 0;
CanShoot = false;
NextAllowedShootingTime = ChangeCartridgeTime;
BulletsLeft = CartridgeSize;
isShooting = true;
return false;
public void Aim()
transform.localPosition = AimPosition;
transform.localRotation = AimRotation;
IsAiming = true;
public void Unaim()
transform.localPosition = position;
transform.localRotation = rotation;
IsAiming = false;
also I would be happy to know how I can do this:
NetworkVariable<Weapons.Guns.Gun> gun = new NetworkVariable<Weapons.Guns.Gun>();