RPG Class change script Help

i’ve assigned class information (a name and strength value) to 2 scriptable object, I then used a different scriptable object to hold those “Classes” in an array.

Using my script im capable of switching between those two classes by pressing the space button.

The thing is when i switch to a class I add the new classes strength value to the players strength value but when I switch to a different class I’m still using the previous str value, switching repeatedly gives me infinite Strength, how do i fix this?

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class Player : MonoBehaviour
    public int wantedIndex;
    public Text text;
    public ClassArray classArray;
    public int Strength;
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))


    void NextClass()
        int currentClassIndex = wantedIndex % classArray.baseClasses.Length;
        string currentClassName = classArray.baseClasses[currentClassIndex].Name;
        int currentCLassesStrength = classArray.baseClasses[currentClassIndex].Str;
        Strength += currentCLassesStrength;

        text.text = $"Current class Name: {currentClassName}, Strength value is {Strength}";

What does “%” do, I have never seen that used before in C#?

I think…
You need use replace + with %
and for strength, it should be = not +=

Integer modulo division. He’s cycling through the available things, then back to zero.

@Quiet_Apples_Studios : BUT: you should do the increment in the NextClass() method and you should also modulo-wrap the base number, because otherwise it will become negative, and when you do modulo division on a negative number, you will be unpleasantly surprised.

You want to think of it as a diagram:

  • base strength
  • any and all mods
  • any other realtime changes

these feed into a system that gives you an “effective strength” that is never stored anywhere, just computed from the above.


That’s cool!!
Ill have to remember that one.

I dont quiet get what you mean by modulo wrapping the base number could you show me an example?

Your code allows wantedIndex to grow unbounded. After about 2 billion iterations it will wrap to a huge negative number and make your % modulo computation wrong. It would take a LONG time to do that many iterations, but it’s still a bug waiting to happen.

By wrap it I mean iterate up from 0 to the max, then reset it to 0. That way it never can be negative.