I quote directly from his video
“This is an Imac, but it is a old Imac, it’s like 2010, and it’s the baseline. It’s the cheapest Imac you can get.”
Thanks for the reply, and the feedback. As we are working with unity indie, and using the indie effects package we can’t really do anything with optimizing the indie effects. The indie effects causes most of the lag, but looks great. So we are working on optimizing scripts, and textures. We also may be getting new hardware soon to replace the 4 year old iMac.
It’s not that great when other apps are open and recording. So optimization is definitely a priority!
2010 baseline mac.
makes sense then I guess.
We are still working on optimizations so our outdated computer can play it at around 30 fps, but a better rig should easily get 40-60.
Does anyone know how vertex lit rendering looks (any screen shots)?
Ugh, I dunno if I should say anything because I don’t want to be a dream killer. Terrain doesn’t look too good. Maybe it’s all on UNity I have no idea. Perhaps you should look into buying some assets from the store? Like use Micheal O’s terrains those look very nice. He has Jungle, Desert, modern warfare, etc. See if you can catch it on sale
There is also those Voxel Terrains
Didn’t watch the whole youtube. Just sort of scanned through it.
Thanks for the reply, as for the terrain it’s self, it was meant to be really simple as a test terrain, and as for assets we are using the island demo’s assets. So we do have plans for replacement of those assets. If we did not say this before this is all pre-alpha, most of the stuff posted right now won’t even be included in the final product.
New island pic with updated grass, pre alpha. We are currently working on the actual game mechanics. This is just for the wait.
New palm trees coming soon! We are currently working on the actual game mechanics. This is just for the wait.
Under the shady palm tree. We are currently working on the actual game mechanics. This is just for the wait.
Okay, no need to update it every hour. Looks nice.
Thanks, and sorry. We are just trying to be active.
We are working on the main campaign map! Screenshots coming soon!
Hey Eric,
Loving the enthusiasm, keep at it! A little idea: Maybe you and your buddy(s) could get together and do a little brainstorming session, to work out the overall direction and look and feel of the game. I know diving into Unity and getting stuff done is fun, and absolutely important, because you’ll learn a lot from it, but getting ideas down on paper, and openly discussing them with your team builds a solid foundation for everyone to develop on. Rock on.
Thanks for the feedback, we will be definitely be having more discussion sessions. We really appreciate any feedback!
New Map, more screenshots coming soon! We are currently working on the actual game mechanics. This is just for the wait.
A 2010 iMac should run this flawlessly at 60. No image effects? No shadows, nothing. Very bland. You have something there that isn’t very performance oriented and you should focus more on figuring that out. Instead of a terrain use a mesh, instead of millions and millions of pieces of grass, tone it down. Instead of a massive level, make it smaller. Not only will you save performance, but you’ll get this done faster.
The new scene, we posted runs on our computer at 1920x1080 at 75 fps, easily. The earliest pictures did not include post effects, but the some what newer one do, for example the beach scene.