RPG style third person controller

So I made a simple RPG style third person controller.
Here’s a test scene. Just a little model on a blank terrain.

Try it and tell me what you think :slight_smile:


The scene is made in unity 4.6 and should be ready to run. If you can’t open it, just create an empty object, attack the script to it and put the model as it’s child. And connect the script to the camera and the model in editor.

Improved the script.
Hope I saved time to some people :slight_smile:

2055437–133735–ThirdPersonController.cs (4.31 KB)

Virus warning contains pua/solimba.gen4 according to avira

That’s strange… But you have the script attached in my second post, so you can build a scene yourself if you want to try it.

Does anyone know how to implement shooting in a third person controller?

What do you mean, “implement shooting”? Where is your specific problem?

I want the character to shoot at the target that I’m pointing at with the cursor.
It’s a third person camera, that can move (a bit) relative to the character, so aiming must be dynamic.

Heh. That’s still very unspecific I’m afraid :slight_smile: Do you want to know how to turn the character’s torso or head towards the point the camera is pointing at, do you need help with the actual shooting function, weapon script… ?

I believe I can use raycasts to see where did the player click and then fire in that direction.
Is there a better way?

And how would I get the position of the character (it’s center position) on screen?

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