RS Concept - Upcoming to iPhone...

Hello to everybody,

We’re working for few months now on our first iPhone app as many of you guys here. It’s about to be finished (v1.0 tho!) so we wanted to share with you guys the result of this work. Hope you’ll enjoy it, and don’t hesitate to share with us your remarks or crits!

Stay tuned for further updates of the project.
And special thanks to Unity guys for giving us iPhone dev on a silver plate! Keep up the good work guys, hope our project will please you as much as it pleased us to do it!


  • Gamical Studio -

Just for fun, here is a high rez screenshot so you can appreciate detail, and proof that apple’s hardware and Unity engine are really worth it :wink:

Enjoy guys!

  • Gamical Studio -


That looks lush, dude.

Can the peeps who make iPhone stuff also make a non iPhone build for Windows so I can buy also. I don’t have an iPhone.


Windows and MacOS version are upcoming too don’t you worry! But those will be even better looking, with higher rez model, specifics shaders and so on :slight_smile:

Gotta wait a bit tho… But stay tuned!!


  • Gamical Studio -

Will the Windows and Mac versions have antialiasing? Like Crysis? :shock: The iPhone version is already nice, a version with anti-aliasing would be beautiful.

I’d imagine it would have AA. :slight_smile:

The car looks awesome, well done! I’m wondering what the final product will look like, keep us updated!

Hello again all,

Just a little update to say the app is out now. If some of you feel like buying it and testing it, we would like to hear any of your feedbacks! Thanks!

Enjoy and stay tuned!


looks fab man - buying now - out of interest when did you send it in for review?

Ahh I shall have to wait until I get home to a wi-fi network.


Sorry about the 12Mb! We expected it to be less than 10 since the zipped version was 6,9Mb… (We sure now it’s less compressed than a zip in the final version made by Apple, but we really thought it would be ok…)
We’ll work on assets optimisation so the file should be less than 10Mb asap…

Still we hope you’ll enjoy it!

We submited it last week, late on tuesday by the way…

Hey Yama, sorry about that I did not mean to come across as though I was complaining, on the contrary.

At work - for security and speed reasons - we have a hard wired network only, so I couldn’t download your app this afternoon.

I am now at home and I have a fast wi-fi capability so I purchased this evening, looks so cool on the iPhone. My son found the doors open and you can get inside the car!

I honestly do not think that the size of the app is an issue, if someone wants it they will get it.

Love the clean powerful movements - great work guys!

Oh no worries, i know you weren’t complaining. I’m the one doing so, cause we really wanted it to be less than 10Mb! Hope we’ll be able to do this optim’ soon.

And thanks for buying it! Cool to know you enjoy it and your son too :slight_smile:

<7000 Triangle?? :shock:

Nope, way more, about 19.9k! :wink:

You need to re-size those images, I’m surprised the mod haven’t asked for this.

Are insinuating mods don’t do their job correctly? ^^

Well I’m always seeing Higgy post saying “Can you resize your images so that they don’t blow up the page so much” plus its annoying to have these huge pages.

Look how lucky you are, we’re on page two now ^^

Thanks for your remark n-e way!

I’ll say it. Please resize your images and/or provide the larger ones as links.

edit: I fixed them for you.

Cheers Charles.