Rts a way to select a unit and unselect when clicking a other unit!

Hello unity comunity i have a problem with my scripts, ican’t seem to find a way to deselect. for now i can select one unit and move but can’t unselect and so each time i select a unit it will move with the others.
here my script:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class selectunits : MonoBehaviour
    public bool selected = false;
    public GameObject Player;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        gameObject.GetComponent<UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent>().enabled = false;
        gameObject.GetComponent<movement>().enabled = false;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

    private void OnMouseDown()
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            if (GameObject.FindWithTag("US")){
                selected = true;
                if (selected == true)
                    Player.GetComponent<movement>().enabled = true;
                    gameObject.GetComponent<UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent>().enabled = true;

                    if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                        selected = false;
                    if (selected == false)
                        Player.GetComponent<movement>().enabled = false;
                        gameObject.GetComponent<UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent>().enabled = false;


Note: i have a simple movement script a part(it’s a simpe unity navmesh movement).

In line 26 you set the variable selected to true; then immediately afterwards, you have an if-condition checking if selected is true. Of course it is - you just said so. So the block after the else in line 32 can never ever be executed. Maybe that’s causing your problem? Sorry I can’t give you a more definitive answer because I cannot deduce from context, what exactly your code does (e.g. why you are checking for a game object with Tag “US” in line 25).

You probably want to change this line 26 to

selected = !selected;

which “flips” selected, i.e. if it was true before, it is false now and vice versa. But still then, the check for MouseButton 0 in line 35 doesn’t make sense, because you already checked that and the whole code block opened in line 24 will only be called if MouseButton 0 is down. Similarly, the check if selected is false in line 37. It must be, because otherwise you wouldn’t be in the else-block opened in line 34.

Some other (unrelated, performance-focused) advice:

  • AFAIK GetComponent() is quite expensive. Instead of doing it in OnMouseClick every time, I guess it would be better performance-wise to get the references for the movement-component and the NavMeshAgent just once on Awake() and store those in private variables.
  • If you don’t do anything in Update(), you should delete it from the script I think.

I take it, that this script is attached to an object you want to select.

The problem is with this part of the code:

if (GameObject.FindWithTag("US")){
	// Once you are here, you make the flag for 'selected' to true.
	selected = true;
	// So, when you reach this place, 'selected' is already true
	if (selected == true)
		Player.GetComponent<movement>().enabled = true;
		gameObject.GetComponent<UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent>().enabled = true;
	// Basically, you can never reach this else statement.
		if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
			selected = false;
		if (selected == false)
		Player.GetComponent<movement>().enabled = false;
		gameObject.GetComponent<UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent>().enabled = false;

What you should do instead, is to switch selected to the opposite state:

if (GameObject.FindWithTag("US")){
	// Instead of directly setting this value, set it to the opposide of what it already is
	selected = !selected;
		// And now you can shorten your code significantly as well. 
	// If 'selected' was 'false' before, after pressing the button it's now 'true' so the code below would execute
	if (selected == true)
		Player.GetComponent<movement>().enabled = true;
		gameObject.GetComponent<UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent>().enabled = true;
	// If  on the other hand 'selected' was 'true' before, after pressing the button it's now 'false' so the code below would execute
		Player.GetComponent<movement>().enabled = false;
		gameObject.GetComponent<UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent>().enabled = false;