RTS camera non moving stats box

I am kind a new on unity.I am trying to make a RTS game like age of empires.So camera follows mouse pointer.Everything works well with camera.
Now I want to right click on an object (a building in game) , open a window and display some command buttons like demolish building etc.
My first choice was using canvas panel and buttons.But my problem is , after displaying canvas panel if i move mouse to another location canvas panel coming with mouse.I need a fixed window near object not moving with camera.
Second I tried GUI.Box but same result here.
I can try inside OnGUI method to refresh transform position of panel by camera or mouse movents.But there should be a simpler way.
So please advise me a fixed stats box but not dialog.

check out the “worldspace” canvas



Yes that’s what I am exactly looking for. Thanks very much.