RTXGI/Raytraced DDGI/Future dynamic GI system and raytracing

This question is not just about the RTXGI alone but generally about future plans of GI and raytracing api.

Do you plan to resume development of RTXGI or other similar raytracing probe based GI/DDGI in the future? As far as I know it was paused or cancelled.

Maybe there is a plan to use raytracing optionally for the new dynamic GI system so another implementation like separate RTXGI won’t be needed at all as the native GI would be able to optionally use raytracing?

It would be great to use standard raytracing components like GI, SSR etc. and dynamic native GI solution together (probe based GI works great as a fallback for per pixel raytracing). Especially if the general GI solution would benefit from the raytracing hardware capabilities too.

Here is the official video of RTXGI implementation from 2019:



we have currently no plan to pursue the RTXGI effort presented in 2019.
Answer about our current plan can be found in this thread: Runtime GI

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