Rule respected only on the second attempt?

Using Remote Config on iOS, I experience unpredictable behavior:

FetchCompleted is raised three times in the start-up sequence, with ConfigOrigin.Remote as origin set twice (the initial event is raised with ConfigOrigin.Cached as origin). However, only the second time the rule I’ve set up to be used for all clients is respected. I can not reproduce this behavior on Android or in Editor.

Any ideas?

Remote Config version: 1.0.8
Unity version: 2019.2.5f1

We will look into this. Can you share the code that you are using? I suspect it’s the same code as in the documentation, but we will check.

Actually, the reason for the double update from server is due to my design, but the rule issue which is unique to iOS I can not explain. I’ve implemented a wrapper around Remote Config which is hard to share without it’s dependencies, however we’re using the app and user attributes as per your documentation.

On Android, both calls return the expected settings version (i.e, it respects the rule).

Understood, we will test on iOS (and compare with Android behavior) with our documented code.

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Any progress on this? It’s quite frustrating for us at the moment that we can not depend on the remote config being correct on iOS.

Can you confirm which version you are now using? We’ve made some recent changes in this area

Still the same version as mentioned in the initial post:

Remote Config version: 1.0.8
Unity version: 2019.2.5f1

We’re submitting a new build today so there’s no way we can update to the latest in this release, however I was hoping it was a server side fix as it’s rule related?

We are still checking, but engineering asked if you are able to test with the latest release? Also, can you private message me your Unity ProjectID and your runtime request?