run my own server?PUN-Photon networking free

I dont want to use the photon cloud because 20 ccu(20 players world wide?) seems not that much. I have a server at home so i would like to run my program there instead of paying for more ccu on the photon cloud because i m just a student. Is this possible and have you got any guides for me?
Thanks in advance and sorry for my english.

I have to chuckle. Yes, 20 CCU worldwide are not much. But they are free :wink:
To host at home means your machine has to run 24/7. If you watch videos in your home network, that might affect your players. Just saying.
Follow this guide to setup your own Photon Server. We can’t help a lot with firewalls and router configs. There are just too many variations. You can post any other questions in our forum in the Server section.


Would you please update the page? (as it throws 404) I have a VPS and want to host Pun2 myself and not sure where to start.

The second question is, In case PUN2 gets discontinued, how long do you plan to run your PUN2 servers and services?

We try our best to run the servers as long as needed, so there is no real end of service for it. We still run some machines for PUN Classic (a decade old), even though PUN 2 moved on to use some changed features, etc.

We do not provide Photon Server licenses anymore (with some exceptions), sorry.
Sorry about the 404 error. Here is the Photon Server Setup Guide.

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