Run scripts independently on Instatiated objects


I am spawning stars using Instantiate(), and every star has a script which makes it blink (just the alpha value over time), but I want every star to start blinking at the time I spawn it from a random alpha value (so all stars will look like they are blinking/sparking differently). Now, when I spawn a star, it resets every other star to the starting alpha value. As a result, every time I click my mouse on the screen, all stars are being reset and all stars are blinking simultaneously, like the script is being run again from scratch, discarding the previous alpha value.

The script that is spawning the stars :

	void Update () {
			Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay( Input.mousePosition );
       		RaycastHit hit;

			if( Physics.Raycast( ray, out hit, 100 ) )
				if( == "Sky" )

					Vector3 poz = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
					poz.z = -3;
					Instantiate(Star, poz, Quaternion.identity);	

					if(StarCount >= 7)
				//Debug.Log( );

The script that is making the stars blink :

public class StarSparkle : MonoBehaviour {
	public Color CurrentColor;
	public bool Direction = true;
	private IRagePixel ragePixel;
	public float Delta;                 //(Mathf.Round(Random.value*10 + 0.1f));
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		ragePixel = GetComponent<RagePixelSprite>();
		CurrentColor.r = 1f;
		CurrentColor.g = 1f;
		CurrentColor.b = 1f;
		CurrentColor.a = Random.value;
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
		if((CurrentColor.a < .4f) && !Direction)
			Direction = true;
		if((CurrentColor.a > 1f) && Direction)
			Direction = false;
		Delta = Time.deltaTime/2;

I think problem lies in RagePixelSprite. Check out line 83 in class definition. It iterates through all RagePixelSprite object in the game and sets for them something called sharesMesh, which belongs to current RagePixelSprite object. I would say thats the problem - it updates some meshes related object for every instance of RagePixelSprite in scene, to last one created. Best shoot would be avoid using RagePixelSprite here, because i suppose you dont know that library good enough to edit its sources ?