Run-time navmesh generation doesn't generate off-mesh links?

That’s what I am seeing. However if I bake the same scene in before run-time then I can see the off mesh links being generated.

That seems like a huge omission. Or did I miss something?

I don’t think you missed anything. I’m dealing with this as well. There’s a 3rd party script I found here:

I honestly haven’t dived into it too deeply but it looks promising so far.

Is there a UserVoice channel for Unity AI feature requests somewhere or something? I would love to offer some deeper feedback.


Scratch that, it looks like there’s a compile error in this now that I’m actually to the point of testing it. Might work with the NavMeshComponents github project. What a mess…

Yeah this is sad. They rather spend money buying game ad company rather than investing into their tech.

I found a possible work around if you are willing to invest in “A* Pathfing Project”. On their forum I see a similar effort by third-party

I did look into that but sadly my perf needs are way out of scope for what A* Pathfinding Project Pro can handle. My 1000 agents are well within perf using Unity’s pathfinding but that takes about 10ms on my 5950x workstation using APPP. And I lost local avoidance with APPP. No bueno.

I may end up changing my game a bit and rolling my own jobified voxel A* pathfinder for this project. Honestly, that’s a huge deal as I’m 10 months into this project and trying to hit a September deadline. Having runtime navlinks isn’t a must but it will mean some big changes to planned gameplay, which is a bummer.

I’ll respond here if I find a good solution Soon:tm: