Runaway memory consumption by Editor

I’m using Unity 5.3, and the Editor often freezes for an extended time (sometimes ten minutes or more) about a third of the time I click on anything in the scene view; and it also sometimes consumes enormous amounts of memory above and beyond what it normally does - up to 8 GB (!) beyond its normal amount - while locking up the hard drive by using 99% - 100% of its capacity. Memory consumption gets worse when it freezes after I click on something, and it sometimes displays a message “Loading small assets” (or something to that effect), so the two problems seem interlinked. It had previously sometimes displayed a message about rebuilding the GUID cache, but hasn’t done that lately.
This problem has made it almost unusable, although I can probably get around it by avoiding selecting objects by clicking on them. Does anyone know how to solve this?

Some additional information: I’ve confirmed it’s due mainly to clicking on stuff in the scene view. In one case, its memory consumption increased by around 2.5 GB after I clicked on an object.