Running high speed simulation


I would like to be able to run my game at high speed (without rendering) in order to “test AI simulation outputs”
Is there any way to do this?
1: Run X number of frame with fixed time steps without rendering to speed up the process
2: Disable unity auto-time increment, and increment it manualy?

In past project I was able to do this because I was controlling everything, but I am now using NavMeshes and Animation Events… So it is really a time based system.

Any suggestion is welcome!

Auto-answering my post:
You can use video rendering capabilities,
Time.captureFramerate = 10000;

This will force the time update to be whatever you want in between the frames.

You can then run the build with command lines such as
-batchmode -nographics

So now I got every frame processed, with uniform time steps, at around 60x the speed of what I could get from the editor.

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Are you setting the timescale here, or how are you changing the game speed?
Also is this running at a timespeed you set, or as fast as it can?