Relatively new to multiplay here… I’ve noticed that when I run a direct upload build, I see logs in the server log tab fine, but when I run the same with a docker image, I don’t see any logs. Is there something special in my build configuration arguments I need to specify (or my docker to redirect logs appropriately so i can see them in the “logs” tab in my “server” in multiplay?
Could you please share your current command line arguments from your build configuration?
I suspect your logs directory is misconfigured, which can be fixed using the $$log_dir$$ parameter and a log directory/file flag to your server binary.
Hope this helps, but with your command line arguments and knowledge of your server binary flags I can help more!
… the $session etc are pass thrus from the build configuration above… taken from the example; e.g.
while getopts s:r:l:i:p: flag
case “{flag}" in
s) session="-session {OPTARG}”;; # custom session name
r) region=“-region {OPTARG}";; # custom region
l) lobby="-lobby {OPTARG}”;; # custom lobby
i) publicip=“-publicip {OPTARG}";; # custom public ip
p) publicport="-publicport {OPTARG}”;; # custom public port