The Runtime Editor has many ready-to-use property and component editors and it is relatively easy to create new ones. “Add Component” drop-down button allows you to add components at runtime. There are also several important dialogs included:
Save Scene Dialog.
Object Picker.
Color Picker.
Asset Bundles and Libraries Importer.
Manage Projects Dialog.
List of Features
Position, Rotation, Scale Handles.
Grid, Box Selection, Scene Gizmo.
Transform Handles mobile & Google AR Core support.
Global & Local coordinates, Local & Center pivot point modes, Vertex & Grid snapping.
Gizmos for Colliders, Lights and Audio Sources.
Scene navigation, Orthographic & Perspective view.
Undo & Redo API.
Object selection API.
Object life-cycle Events.
Play & Edit mode.
Configurable Inspector.
Component & Material editors.
16 Built-in property editors.
Add Component control.
Multiple Scenes and Cameras support.
Dock Panels & Windows Management.
Dialogs, Message Boxes, Confirmations.
Easy to extend with new windows.
Configurable Main & Context menu.
Fast Virtualizing Tree View for Hierarchy and Project windows.
Configurable Save & Load subsystem (almost no coding is required).
Easy to use Project API.
Static Assets, Asset Bundles and Dynamic Assets support.
Hi Vadim,
yeah finally a support Thread in the Unity Forums
My question:
I asked some time ago if its possible to save Scenes as Unitypackages or scene Files with your RuntimeEditor to be able to work on the scenes in the Unity Editor, after gamers created own levels with your RuntimeEditor.
Our scenario:
We want gamers to create their own dungeons and levels with your Tool but before adding the created Levels by the Community to the final game, our team should review them in the Unity Editor. After a Review from the Team the levels / scenes are added manually to the officiall game.
I saw that you improved the saving a lot in 1.3. Is this now possible or is only save to file / text still supported?
Hiya, I’ve used this a while back before RTSaveLoad was added and I remember it being pretty useful.
However, since the “Build Resource Map” has been added, this is completely useless to me now. As far as I can tell, build resource map creates an asset in the Resources folder with a reference to every single asset in the entire unity project. Meaning if you’ve got say, a couple of texture libraries or sound effect libraries in your project, they will ALL get included in the build. Or more realistically in my case… unity won’t even let you build, it’ll just crash out.
Oh, and when I click the play button, unity will lock up for a few minutes, climb to about 10gb of ram use, and eventually unfreeze. In an empty scene, with just RuntimeEditor in.
Oh, and if I even select the ResourceMap file in Assets\Battlehub\RTSaveLoad\ResourceMaps, unity will lock up for a few minutes.
Is there a way to use this without RTSaveLoad? Adding a single asset via the “expose to editor” seems to force the whole resource map to be generated, with a counter value in the 6 digit ranges ._.
This is painfully designed - I get the idea behind it, but I don’t think the average user will realise the implications of having a reference held in the Resources folder to every single asset in the project, and for large projects, this causes serious issues
EDIT: Seems there’s a solution to my issues! See Vadim’s reply below, thanks Vadim <3
It looks like should be possible to use it without the ResourceMap, but I can’t get it to work. If you delete the origianl ResourceMap, everything breaks. If you don’t add things to the resource map - things don’t seem to instantiate properly? Prefabs instantiated via the RTEditor are losing references to their meshes and stuff, can’t work out why!
Open Battlehub\RTSaveLoad\Scripts\Implementation\ResourceMapGen.cs
Add path to folders with objects you are planning to expose to editor. Only objects from these folders (and subfolders) will be added to ResourceMap.
public static readonly string[] AllowedPath = new string[]
If you don’t want certain objects in scene to be affected by SaveLoad just add PersistentIgnore script to them
Delete old ResourceMap and Build new one using menu
6) Problem should be solved
Also let me explain why I implemented ResourceMap. Consider following script:
using UnityEngine;
public class Test : MonoBehaviour
public Material MaterialReference;
void Start ()
Create Empty GameObject add attach Test script to it
Create new material and drag it to MaterialReference field
Enter play mode and check instance id written to console.
Duplicate some prefab or material(I copied MyCube when testing it)
Close and re-open unity editor
Enter play mode again
You should see that instance id written to console is different
At this point I realized that I need to store unique persistent identifiers which are not affected by any changes in project and will remain the same forever. This is why I implemented resource map. But there might be a better way of doing this.
Btw I think that it is possible to create ResourceMap manually just by creating prefab with ResourceGroups referencing required objects. But it is not very convenient…
If you want to get rid of SaveLoad subsystem and use your own implementation please do following:
Remove everything from RTSaveLoad folder except Interface subfolder
Comment //#define RT_USE_DEFAULT_IMPLEMENTATION in IProjectManager.cs and PersistentIgnore.cs
Update Dependencies.cs like this:
using UnityEngine;
namespace Battlehub.RTSaveLoad
public static class Dependencies
public static ISerializer Serializer
get { return null; }
public static IStorage Storage
get { return new FileSystemStorage(Application.persistentDataPath); }
public static IProject Project
get { return new Project(); }
public static IAssetBundleLoader BundleLoader
get { return new AssetBundleLoader(); }
public static IProjectManager ProjectManager
get { return null; }[
public static ISceneManager SceneManager
get { return null; }
public static IRuntimeShaderUtil ShaderUtil
get { return null; }
Save&Load will be disabled and Project window will become invisible but RuntimeEditor should continue to work
Now you could provide your own implementation of IProjectManager, ISceneManager, IRuntimeShaderUtil and ISerializer interfaces.
Also you could avoid using ResourceMap by using DynamicResources instead.
See section: 8.15 HowTo: Add Dynamic Resource.
But DynamicResources is little bit limited because only certain types of objects supported. For example Materials and GameObjects supported but ProceduralMaterial is not supported because it does not have public constructor.
Locate MouseLook type and find it’s usages (find fields in your scripts which have MouseLook type)
If MouseLook is not derived from MonoBehavior you could mark MouseLook as
[ProtoBuf.ProtoContract(ImplicitFields = ProtoBuf.ImplicitFields.AllPublic)]
public struct MouseLook {
If it is derived form MonoBehavior please look through fields of MouseLook and locate custom types and do the same
[ProtoBuf.ProtoContract(ImplicitFields = ProtoBuf.ImplicitFields.AllPublic)]
public class CustomType
Or ignore fields causing this error either by making them private or by marking them with SerializeIgnore attribute
public class TestScript : MonoBehaviour {
public int Test;
Jugged arrays looks like this int**[ ][ ]**. Serializer can’t serialize jugged arrays
To fix it please import attached package. It will ignore these field.
To ignore field manually you could do following:
Vadim - Thanks a bunch! Looks like a good solution, I’ll give it a go!
An ideal solution would be a way to generate a ResourceMap for set objects and their dependencies easily, not sure how much work that would be to implement! (I probably also shouldn’t have entire sfx / texture libraries in my project that i’m only using a small amount of!)
But this all sounds very reasonably designed actually, thanks! Keep up the good work!
Hi Vadim, i want move my objects without your handle, i want move the objects with a simple drag script and arrows key, it is posible to record undo&redo?,
I have tried moving an object via transform but undo&redo not work
if I correctly understand question, here is how you can specify rotation clamps per object. Attach ClampAngles script to required objects and set Angle to desired angle
using Battlehub.RTCommon;
using Battlehub.RTEditor;
using Battlehub.RTHandles;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
public class ClampAngles : MonoBehaviour {
public float Angle = 45;
private const float DefaultAngle = 15;
static ClampAngles()
RuntimeSelection.SelectionChanged += OnRuntimeSelectionChanged;
RuntimeTools.ToolChanged += OnToolChanged;
private static void OnToolChanged()
private static void OnRuntimeSelectionChanged(Object[] unselectedObjects)
private static void TryUpdateRotationHandle()
if (RuntimeTools.Current != RuntimeTool.Rotate)
RotationHandle rotationHandle = RuntimeEditor.Instance.SceneView.HandlesParent.GetComponentInChildren<RotationHandle>(true);
IEnumerable<ClampAngles> clampAngles = RuntimeSelection.gameObjects.Select(go => go.GetComponent<ClampAngles>());
if (clampAngles.Any())
rotationHandle.GridSize = clampAngles.Max(ca => ca.Angle);
rotationHandle.GridSize = DefaultAngle;
Which gizmos you are talking about?
To Draw gizmos with different cameras attach GLCamera script to required cameras