Runtime Level Design

Hi Thanks for testing that. I will try in a build to make sure the gameview does not lose focus although I thought I was being careful about that.

Update: Yes I still have the same issue in a build. As long as i select via a click, i can then use F to focus. Once I select from my list and I see the object highlighted I am not able to F focus.

Any hints on debugging this would be appreciated.

I have another question. It seems like the preview textures are being serialized into the scene file which bumped it up over the 100MB limit. Is this normal? Can I undo it so the textures are referenced as part of the build vs being stored in the scene file?


Iā€™ve made the necessary changes to stop serializing the textures. You can send me an e-mail at and I will send you the updated package.

Email sent. Thanks

I am having an issue where the Gizmos (Move, Extrude, etcā€¦) and Selected outline are not showing in the Game View. I can see the selection box in the Scene View while testing. The Scene I am testing with is the provided RLD ā€œDemoā€ Scene.

What I discovered is I have to turn on Compatibility Mode for Render Graph (which disables the Render Graph) and now I can see both the Gizmos and the Selected Outline.

I need to have the Render Graph enabled for what I am building. Is there a setting I missed or a conversion I can download/make myself so the RLD shaders work with the Render Graph enabled?

Thanks for your assistance,

Unity 6000.0.23f1
URP 17.0.3
RLD 2.3.4


Iā€™m afraid I donā€™t have a solution at hand for this. If your app requires Render Graph support, RLD canā€™t be used.

You can contact me via e-mail at with the invoice and I will arrange for a refund.

Sorry about this,

Hey, appreciate the reply and the offer. I am good though.

I originally started the project in Unity 2022 and RLD works great, but I needed access to the Graphics Drawer features for my final project. I will continue to use pieces of RLD in Unity6 so it would not be right to accept a refund.

I will look at creating my own render graph compliant shader and see if I can tie it in via ShaderPool.

Again, thanks so much for your offer and your time.

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Thatā€™s good to hear :smiley: I hope you manage to get it to work! If you have any questions, please let me know.

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Hi there,

I am using the RTPrefabLibDb feature of RLD, it was working fine until I deleted one of the prefabs from my project (not from in the RTPrefabLibDb). Because that prefab was no longer available (but still being referenced by the RTPrefabLibDb), the RTPrefabLibDb component could not even be opened in the inspector, was throwing dozens of null reference errors, I could not access the Db at all.

Please could you consider fixing this. I worked around it by adding the following line in RTPrefabLibDbInspector.cs, just after line 139

if (prefab == null || prefab.UnityPrefab == null) continue;

Many thanks



Thanks for letting me know about this, I will look into it and let you know when I have a fix for this :smiley:


Hey @jh092

I have fixed the issue you mentioned. Feel free to send me an e-mail at and I will send you the updated package.


Thank you Andrew thatā€™s great news.

Hi Andrew,

I am struggling a bit with the various RTObject layers (selectable layers, deletable layers etc.).

My problem is, I can configure the layers as I need, but whenever I add a new layer to my project it automatically gets included in the various RTObject layers too (RTObjectSelection layers, SnapDestination Layers, SelectionGizmoTransformable layers and so on). This means I have to remember to remove additional layers from these settings whenever I add a new layer to my project.

So then, I thought I would just set all those layer masks in code at runtime rather than in the editor. This actually works fine, except for one thing. The highlight drawing does not work unless the selectable layer is set in the editor, setting it at runtime like I am doing does not work (meaning there is no highlighting at all for selected objects).

So after my long story, can you suggest where I should set the various layer masks in code. Right now I am setting them after I get the RLD Initialized event and that seems to be too late.



Quick update, calling my layer setting function at the beginning of Start() in RLDApp.cs seems to work nicely, if that sounds to you like a sensible place to do it?



The way it should work is you register a handler to the Initialized event and set the masks there. You said you already did that and the selection highlights stopped working.

Can I see your layer mask setting code?

Thanks Andrew,

I repeat similar code for the other layer types too (duplicatable, deletable, surface snap etc)

	    RTObjectSelection.Get.Settings.SelectableLayers =
		    LayerMask.GetMask(Helper.ObjectLayer) |
		    LayerMask.GetMask(Helper.TrackLayer) |
		    LayerMask.GetMask(Helper.TrackNodeLayer) |


Iā€™ve just tried it out with this piece of code and it works fine:

I think what is happening in your case is that you are registering the OnInitialize callback in the Start function. You have to register it in Awake.

Hope this helps,

Thanks for checking Andrew. I am registering the callback in Awake so that part is fine.

If itā€™s working for you then Iā€™ll keep looking from my side. I did try some more, but my layer mask setting has to be before this line in RLDApp.Start()

RTObjectSelection.Get.Initialize_SystemCall() (line 105)

If itā€™s after that then the highlighting stops working.

Edit to clarify: Try setting the layers to ā€œNothingā€ in the editor, or some other combination that does not include the required layers.



If I set the Layers to ā€˜Nothingā€™ then I canā€™t select anything which is exactly how it should be. Same with the other masks. It will only select the layers included in the mask. Seems to be working fine here. I honestly donā€™t see any reason why it shouldnā€™t work.

Can you export a package with a simple demo scene where I can reproduce this?

Thanks Andrew, will do.

I think Iā€™m confusing everyone here, I know what I mean lol.

In summary, setting or changing the layers masks at runtime has no effect with regard to the selection highlighting. Whatever the layer masks are set to in the editor at design time are what will be ā€œrememberedā€ by RLD.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Set layer mask to ā€œNothingā€ (for example) in the editor
  2. Change layer mask at runtime (in the OnInitialized event for example)
  3. Note that the new layer mask has no effect

Honestly I donā€™t want you to waste your valuable time on this. My workaround of setting the layer masks at the beginning of Start() in RLD.cs is working well.