So, I did what you said and it simply works I can record a video if you wish
If the Start function solution works for you, that’s great, but I would like to re-iterate that the other way has to work too.
So, I did what you said and it simply works I can record a video if you wish
If the Start function solution works for you, that’s great, but I would like to re-iterate that the other way has to work too.
Thanks Andrew, it will for sure be something on my side then, I’ll keep digging!
I’ve been looking through this thread/forum and I can’t find it so I will create a new post.
We’ve been using RLD for a while now and have now added support for animated models on our side, which results in skinned Mesh Renderer components.
Not matter how I setup the RLD settings in RTObjectSelection, I cannot get the skinned mesh renderer to get selected. At first I thought it was our fault, as we use the RTObjectSelection.Get.PreSelectCustomize hook to customize the select to root object for our own grouped objects logic. But even when I dump the raw data in the hook, there is nothing being selected. No matter the setup. Are Skinned Mesh Renderers not supported?
public void OnRLDPreSelectCustomize(ObjectPreSelectCustomizeInfo customizeInfo, List<GameObject> toBeSelected)
Unfortunately skinned meshes are not supported due to the fact that RLD uses its own raycasting system and skinned meshes are a bit tricky to raycast against because they can be animated. I don’t know of a good way to deal with this issue.
However, it should work if you select the RTScene object and in the Inspector set the Physics mode to Unity Colliders. This means you should have a collider attached to your skinned hierarchy and ALSO to all other objects you plan to interact with.