runtime Navmesh baking

I am currently working on a project where i need to rebake a navmesh during runtime, as players are supposed to be able to change the height of areas within a small landscape that is roamed by autonomously moving agents.

For the Navmesh I am using this Package: Home Page. | AI Navigation | 1.1.5

The problem is that during my research multiple creators are doing stuff like this:8630460--1160106--upload_2022-12-2_15-26-38.png


in order to do something like this:

but if I try to Type in NavMeshSurface, I am told that the namespace can not be found and yes the script is using UnityEngine.AI

I am now wondering what is going wrong? Is it outdated? Am I using the wrong package? Or what else could it be?

The two tutorials this issue is based on are linked below:

(Screenshot taken at 5:48)

(Screenshot taken at 7:32)

I really hope you can answer my questions and thanks for all answers in advance.

Unity have another NavMesh package which is not included in the Engine.

There it is :slight_smile:

There’s a dedicated NavMesh forum you should use here.

I’ll move your post for you.

thanks. Sorry this my first post to this forum.

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Oh I was quite sure they were the same one, because the documentation site that linked to the git in the tutorial seemed to be the same based on the headline at lest. I`ll check it out.

it worked. thanks a lot.