Runtime NavMesh generation for 10 player top-down ARPG?


I’ve been banging my head against this for a couple days now, so I thought I’d post here. I’ve got a top-down ARPG in a procedural world and I’m trying to get runtime navmesh generation working around each player. So far I’ve tried Unity’s AI Navigation package which is nice, but I can’t seem to get a nice solution for nav mesh merging when two players are near one another as NavMeshBuildSettings.preserveTilesOutsideBounds seems to ONLY work if there’s an existing navmesh.

I looked at A* Pathfinding Project Pro and it has some neat bells and whistles but the performance doesn’t come close to meeting my needs (something Unity’s jobified pathfinding does really well.)

So I’m curious if anybody has a suggestion on how I might go about:

  1. Generating nav mesh at runtime in a large open world
  2. Based on player locations that may or may not result in co-located navmesh bounds
  3. Performant enough for ~10 players and ~1000 agents running around.

Any input welcome, thanks!

Hi @UnkelRambo You may have better traction posting on the Navigation forum, I don’t believe this is a netcode specific issue, but please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks!

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