SALSA Lipsync Suite - lip-sync, emote, head, eye, and eyelid control system.

We’re excited to announce Amplitude for WebGL, our upcoming new asset (Submitted to the Unity Asset Store).

Amplitude is a Unity3D asset that provides beat detection and amplitude data on the WebGL platform. Unity uses the FMOD audio framework on all of their distribution platforms except WebGL, where they use a wrapper for the browser-based Web Audio API. Unfortunately, this means many of the more sophisticated tools for audio analysis simply are not available on the WebGL platform. Amplitude uses a native JavaScript library to communicate directly with the underlying web browser to access Web Audio API capabilities that have not been exposed by the Unity API wrapper.

Amplitude is easy to use, simply add the component, link your Unity AudioSource to the Amplitude AudioSource field, set the Sample Size as a multiple of 2 (16, 32, 64, etc.), an amount of boost if desired, and whether or not you want your output to use absolute values. Play your audio using the normal Unity AudioSource API by accessing the AudioSource directly or through Amplitude’s AudioSource reference. While your audio is playing, Amplitude exposes a float array of the size you specified, and a float average amplitude. The values range from -1 to 1, or 0 to 1 with Absolute Values enabled.

It comes with a clean and simple custom inspector, and of course we created a SALSA lip-sync add-on that allows SALSA to leverage Amplitude for WebGL-based character lip-sync. The SALSA add-on (AmplitudeSALSA) will be available for download from our downloads page, free for SALSA customers, once the Amplitude asset goes live on the Unity Asset Store. You must have SALSA, Amplitude, and the free AmplitudeSALSA add-on to use SALSA on the WebGL platform.

Amplitude Inspector (New Asset)

AmplitudeSALSA (Free Add-on)

Included demo scene

We don’t want to clutter this thread, so if you’re interested or have questions about Amplitude for WebGL, head over to the Amplitude forum, or check our website for more information.

Amplitude Unity forum

Amplitude website

AmplitudeSALSA (add-on to link SALSA & Amplitude together on the WebGL platform)

The Crazy Minnow Team

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